Vinter 2019-20

★ The dream to renovate Deodars hull ★

Here is one of many photos by Alexander Krikonenko who's incredible skilfulness was a huge support to Thomas during the first restorations of Deodars hull, on the STOCKA SLIPWAY 1983!
Read more about it » Here!

Vinter projekt 2017-18

During the winter of 2017-18 Thomas created drawings of the hull, with details of the construction and design of the keel-brace, the outer and inner stem, the stem-knee etc.
Scale 1:10 over 3 sheets for the entire hull.



Deodar som Rigmor

A photo of RIGMOR (Deodar) which appeared by chance on the internet, taken sometime in the 1950´s when she worked as a freight ship out from Grundsund on the Swedish west coat.


Deodar på Galärvarvet

DEODAR fared splendidly out on the open sea during her trip around England 2015! Here she is shown moored at her home port at Galarvarvet, Stockholm after her long voyage around England.


England Runt 2015


We departed from Stockholm June 7th and sailed around to the west coast of Sweden.

The next leg took us to Sörlandet in Norway where we participated in an English Sailing Trawler regatta together with many of Deodar's sister ships, during the mid-summer weekend.

We then crossed straight over the North Sea to Scotland where we immediately began our hunt for the Loch Ness monster on our path towards the mist shrouded islands around Oban and Islay.

From here our course was set southward towards Ireland, Liverpool and Isle of Man depending on how the winds blew for us.

The Irish Sea met us with the blue waters of the Atlantic on our way southward towards Milford Haven and further on down to the Bristol Channel with stopovers at fishing ports along the Cornish coast.

Vid Lands End lade vi om kursen österut och mötte Engelska Kanalen på den fortsatta färden mot bland annat kuttermetropolen Brixham och Isle of Wight.

Deodars gamla hemmavatten runt Lowestoft på Englands ostsida måste förstås också uppsökas innan vi sökte oss över mot Holländska kusten, de Västfrisiska öarna och Kielkanalen.

Sverige välkomnade oss åter efter att vi korsat södra Östersjön och i hemmavatten lade vi de sista sjömilen akter om oss innan vi förtöjda i Stockholm 23 augusti anno 2015.


Etapp #4 Foto: Kristin Ljungkvist


I år seglar vi till England igen!
Den här gången lägger vi en längre rutt runt de Brittiska öarna för att bland annat utforska en bit av Skottland och Deodars hemmahamn, Milford Haven i Wales. m.m.

Årets seglingsprogram blir hela elva veckor långt där varje del-etapp innehåller flera spännande strandhugg runt om våra kuster.